Adrien Fernandez
Co-Founder Wyrd
Novembre 2024
Wyrdly-speaking glossary
There are values that you live by. There are values that you strive for. And then there's the one you like to use as a façade — advertising values.
Your lived values? They are the core. Your “now.” They help you make decisions and guide your behavior. Stable, reliable.
But sometimes you want more. Evolve yourself. These are your aspirational values — the ones you strive for because you know they could be good for you.
But beware: Too high distances? It quickly becomes artificial. Then you have advertising values that are more pretense than real.
Discover what really drives you. And see what else you could be missing to achieve your goals. Stretch a bit, but not too much. And then live consistently!
PS: This applies not only to people, but also to groups. Teams, for example. Or even entire organizations. Here we are back to Ich - Wir - Alles.
3 exercises for your team that strengthen your trust, collaboration, and impact. Simple & effective.
Your 5-step guide to putting your strengths into action.
Valuable learnings from the most experienced leadership experts
A target image provides orientation. It shows where the journey is headed — for everyone in the team.
Flourishing — the top KPI in positive psychology.
There are values that you live by. There are values that you strive for. And then there's the one you like to use as a façade — advertising values.